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Este tema de discusión ha sido creado automáticamente para la petición POR QUE LA UNESCO NO DECLARE LOS TOROS PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD.



2012-10-18 18:54

porfavor como pueden pensar que el sufrimiento de un animal es cultura?? Eso es IGNORANCIA y CRUELDAD!!!



2012-10-19 00:42

How is this cruelty still going on the world?!?!? All it is, is barbaric, sick, inhumane, out-dated, TORTURE & MURDER of innocent & gentle beings, committed by absolute low-life cowardly ignorant heartless assholes, all for the sake of profit & entertainment. STOP THIS INSANITY!!!


2012-10-19 01:14

There are much better ways for people to entertain themselves WITHOUT making innocent animals suffer with cruel & unusual punishment! How would ppl like it if the animals were able to do the same back??? They wouldn't like it very much! I was raised do one to others as you would like to have done to yourself. I DEFINETLY WOULDN'T want sticks/sabors stabbed in/at me! Stop the barbaric behavior & leave the bulls alone. They shouldn't have to suffer a needless death!!!!!!!!!!


2012-10-19 15:10

Absolutely disgusting!!!

#2255 No al maltrata animal !!!

2012-10-20 01:05

TORTURA NO ES CULTURA Spain will lose visitors, Spain will lose income from tourists if this torture doens't stop. Spain will suffer !!!!

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2012-10-20 07:08



2012-10-21 12:22

this is a humans world.not a inhumans.


2012-10-24 19:03

If the Unesco does declare such an aberration, all the respect I once held for the UN and all of its different organizations will be forever shattered.

Already I have definitely refused to donate blood (unless it goes directly to a person I know) and have given instructions to NOT USE ANY PART OF MY BODY for transplants since I cannot live with the thought of anyone connected to bullfighting or dog fighting or hunting getting anothe chance at life because of me.



2012-10-24 22:47

this is so horrible and must stop now. It's not a good entertainment for your country



2012-10-25 21:49

It's time to arrive in the 21st century and to behave like so-called civilized human beings!

Most of the people in Spain, Venezuela, Colombia, etc. are against these cruelties, a minority of backward persons call tradition!


2012-10-26 21:18

How can any people call themselves civilized and yet torture and slaughter animals for entertainment then request it be declared UNESCO’s World Intangible Cultural heritage? This is criminal- torture for fun and or money. Please do not support this heinous activity and send this kind of message to our children. I am sure there are many more cultural/historical lessons (of which to be proud) other than the torture of animals. Thank you.


2012-10-31 20:45

Because you if you going on with these brutal cruelty your tourism will increase. This horror is ruining your land's image and you can be sure that I will do everything possible by internet , or media to stop this. We are living 21st century and not ancient Rome , for God sake



2012-10-31 20:57

It give me the creeps to visit a country like yours what kind of subhumans are living there? Barbarians? Satan people? About time these cruel country were brought in 21st century instead of promoting seemingly voodoo practices
Catherine DESERT


2012-11-03 18:30

Il est à présent primordial et URGENT que la CORRIDA ne soit JAMAIS inscrite au " Patrimoine Mondial Immatériel " de l'UNESCO, comme les milieux taurins internationaux en ont fait récemment la demande : Cette menace est d'autant plus réelle et grave que la France s'est elle-même couverte de honte, en avril 2011, en faisant inscrire - en catimini - cette pratique odieuse et barbare sur son propre patrimoine culturel.
Une telle mesure, effectuée à la sauvette, est non seulement contraire à l'opinion d'une majorité de nos concitoyens, donc anti-démocratique, mais augure fort mal de ce qui pourrait être la suite : une escalade triomphale de la barbarie tauromachique, dûment consacrée au plan de la culture mondiale...

Une telle CATASTROPHE ne doit pas et ne peut pas se produire... car il est évident que ce ne sont pas seulement les taureaux qui en subiraient les conséquences irréfragables, mais c'est le genre humain en entier qui y perdrait un peu plus de son HONNEUR et de sa DIGNITÉ !


2012-11-05 14:26

Se l'Unesco la dichiarerà patrimonio dell'umanità sarà scandaloso !!!


2012-11-05 15:54




2012-11-05 18:42

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Mahatma Gandhi (Indian Statesman and Philosopher)



2012-11-06 15:18

this is not cultur or traditione -its pure cruelty and evil


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2012-11-09 18:13

This can not happen in Europe 2012. Barbaric acts must be outlawed !

#2271 Boycotting Span

2012-11-09 18:18

I will never visit Spain or buy Spanish products until this custom is prohibited. Spain in a beautiful country and a cultural giant whose art, government, language, and people have influenced a huge portion of the world. Spain deserves better than this! Viva Espana and Viva Los Animales!

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2012-11-09 22:03

Abdulvahit OZKAN


2012-11-09 22:04

well looking for the 'primitive' tribes in Amazon rain forests... we're looking at the wrong place, they are not primitives. we are the ones. that's just horrible. what kind of a human being enjoy such a barbarity.

#2274 out with the old in with the new

2012-11-12 06:11

time to put an end to this antiquated barbaric practice... compassion and civility towards all of natures creatures should be embrassed as an evolved society



2012-11-12 10:51

L'UNESCO ne doit pas inscrire le sadisme envers un être vivant quel qu'il soit dans le patrimoine mondiale. Ce serait un non sens, une aberration et les nombreuses personnes sensibles à la cause animale (de plus en plus nombreuses) ne pourront tolérer cette éventuelle inscription